
Because silver cake is good to drink and tastes pleasant, this is a more direct and practical reason to love it.

冲泡后的银饼,茶香荡漾,滋味丰富,口感虽略带一瞬即逝的苦涩,但回甘同样来得迅猛,持续时间长,令人两颊生津,沁人心脾。After brewing, the silver cake has a rippling fragrance and rich taste. Although the taste is a little bitter and astringent, the back sweet is also rapid and lasts a long time, making people feel fresh and refreshing.

这样的银饼,会让人觉得喝茶是一种享受,心甘情愿为它俯首称臣,动情地大声演唱一句:“就这样被你征服”。This kind of silver cake will make people feel that drinking tea is a kind of enjoyment. They are willing to bow down to the throne for it and sing out a loud and emotional sentence: “just be conquered by you”.

它柔嫩鲜艳的叶芽是经历着一道道的工序,如采茶、萎凋 、杀青、揉捻、晒干、蒸压、干燥等几道必要工序。它不急于求成,经过岁月的洗礼,时间的沉淀,最终送至我们眼前,尽管它经过各种磋磨,但是到最后,也是任凭沸水的冲泡,可是,这时候的它反倒是徐徐地舒展开来,婀娜多姿,绽放它生命的另一面精彩,散发醇爽的滋味,越是时间的沉淀,散发特有的醇浓特质。Its tender and bright leaves and buds go through a process, such as tea picking, withering, killing, rolling, drying, steaming, drying and other necessary processes. It is not eager for success. After years of baptism and time precipitation, it is finally delivered to our eyes. Although it has gone through various competitions, it is also allowed to brew in boiling water at the end. However, at this time, it is slowly unfolding, graceful, blooming the other side of its life, giving off a mellow taste. The more time precipitation, giving off a unique mellow specialty Quality.

此时的银饼,就是如此的迷人,是呀,哪有一帆风顺的人生?不经历风雨怎能见彩虹;宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来,唯有学会在经历困苦、无奈与痛苦后不断感悟,坦然面对,少一份浮躁多一份平和,少一份轻率多一份内涵,少一份青涩多一份成熟,宁静而致远,身在万物中,心在万物上,做到静听大海潮起潮落,笑看天边雁去雁回。生活有茶,乐在其中!At this time, the silver cake is so charming, yes, which has a smooth life? How can we see the rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? From the sharpening of the sword, the fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold. Only after experiencing hardship, helplessness and pain, we can learn to constantly understand, face calmly, be less impetuous, more peaceful, less rash, more connotation, less astringent, more mature, quiet and far away. In all things, our heart is on all things, so as to listen to the tide rise and fall of the sea and laugh Watch the wild geese go back to the wild geese. Life has tea, enjoy it!
