







Wakey  wakey 醒醒

Rise and shine 太阳晒屁股啦

Time to get up 该起床了

Time to wake up 该起床了

Good morning 早上好

Let’s see who gets up first看我们谁第一个起床

Did you sleep well last night 昨晚你睡得好吗?

Go wake up your daddy,honey.宝贝,去把你爸爸叫醒 


It’ time to get dressed 穿衣服了

What do you want to wear today,honey宝贝今天想穿什么

Put on your pants/shoes/coat/cap.穿上你的裤子/鞋子/外套/帽子

Take off your clothes.     脱衣服

Sit still arms up 坐好,伸胳膊

Here is your jacket 这是外套

Let’s button up /zip up your shirt 扣上扣子/拉上拉链

Put your left/right foot here stand up 伸左/右脚,站起来

Lift up your leg. 抬腿

Straighten out your legs. 把腿伸直

Don’t bend your legs. 别弯腿

It fits you very well 宝贝穿上很合适 


Let’s wash your face 洗脸

Your hands are sticky 你的手太脏了

Wash your hands 洗手

Put on some hand rub 放点洗手液

Don’t leave the water runing 不要忘记关水

Brush your teeth 刷牙

Don’t put too much toothpaste 不要挤太多

Brush up and down 上下刷

Don’t forgot to brush deep inside 不要忘记刷里面

Gargle and spit 漱口吐掉

Don’t swallow and spit it out 不要咽下去

Don’t splash water on mum 不要把水溅到妈妈身上

It’s done,good job. 洗好了,真棒

Put some lotion on your face 抹香香吧

You look pretty 宝贝漂亮


Come and eat your breakfast/ lunch/dinner来吃早餐/午餐/晚餐啦

Are you hungry/thirsty 你饿了吗?你渴了吗?

It looks yummy  看起来真好吃

Come and sit at the table  过来坐下

Be careful not to burn your mouth 小心烫

Is it yummy?好吃吗?

Be careful not to drop your food.小心食物不要弄掉

It’s ok. I’ll clean it.没关系,我来收拾

Don’t be picky with your food.不要挑食

Stop playing with your food不要再玩食物了

You should eat by yourself.    自己吃饭

Do you want more?你还要吗?

A big bite 一大口

One more bite 再来一口

Is it hot/salty/spicy? 烫吗?咸吗?辣吗?

Use your spoon/ chopsticks 用勺子/筷子

Can you peel the egg yourself 你能自己剥鸡蛋吗?

Let me cool it off 我给你吹吹

Drink up 喝光光

Finish your porridge/soup喝光你的粥/汤

All done 吃完啦

I’m full 我吃饱了

That’s enough 够了够了

Let’s wipe your mouth 擦擦嘴


Let’s go for a walk 我们出去走走

Hold my hand 拉手

Don’t run too fast 别跑太快

Be careful not to slip and fall. 小心滑倒

Look out! There’s a car coming. 看车!

It is a sunny day 今天天气真好

Want to play hide and seek?       玩捉迷藏吗?

I’ll count to 10 我数十个数

Hide yourself safely 自己藏好

Ready or not? 藏好了吗?

Where are you?宝宝在哪呢?

I see you  我找到你了

It’s your turn 该你啦

No peeking 不许偷看哦

Let’s play ball 我们玩球吧

Throw it to me 扔给我

Ready to catch the ball 准备好接球啦

Good catch 接得好

You miss the ball 没接住

Are you tired? 你累了吗?

Let’s go home 我们回家吧!

Do you want a piggback ride 宝宝要背背吗?

Hold on tight 抓紧啦! 


What a mess 好乱呀

Someone could trip over and hurt themselves.  有人会被绊倒受伤的

Let’s pick up the toys and put them back 咱们把玩具捡起来放回去吧

Where should these toys go? 这些玩具应该放在哪呢?

It’s time to clean up your toys 该收拾玩具啦

Let’s see Who can tidy up first. 我们看看谁先收拾好

What a tidy room! 好干净的房间啊

Well done,baby 宝宝真棒! 


Let’s go pee pee/poo poo 我们去小便啦/拉臭臭啦

Don’t hold your pee pee/poo poo 不要憋尿/臭

Pull down your pants 脱裤子

Sit on your potty 坐在马桶上

Have got the runs?拉肚子了吗?

Are you done?拉完了吗?

Let’s wipe your bottom     我给你擦擦屁股

Pull up your pants 提上裤子吧

Flush the toilet 冲冲马桶

Let’s wash your hands 洗洗手吧! 


You smelly honey 宝贝你臭臭的

Bath time! 洗澡啦

Let’s take a shower 我们洗澡吧!

Take off your clothes 脱衣服咯

Is it hot? 烫吗?

No splashing 不准拍水

Let’s wash your hair close your eyes闭上眼睛洗头发啦

Put some shampoo on your hair 放洗发水啦

Don’t get shampoo into your eyes别让洗发水进眼睛

Let’s rinse off 我冲水咯

Let’s dry you off 我们来擦干

Hoho,you smell very well 哈哈,宝宝闻起来真香


Time to go sleepy-bye.到睡觉的时间了

Time for bed该睡觉啦

Take off your clothes / coat / pants/shoes. 脱衣服 / 外套 / 裤子 / 鞋

Lie down,please 躺下

Cover yourself up. 盖好被子

Close your eyes. 闭上眼睛

Let’s read a story 我给你讲个故事

The story is over,have a good dream 故事讲完了,好梦

Give me a kiss 亲亲妈妈/爸爸

Let’s turn off the light 我关灯了!

Good night I love you晚安,我爱你 


Perfect/Marvelous! 棒极了! 

You did a good job. 你干得非常好 

You are smart/clever! 你真聪明! 

 You are beautiful! 你真漂亮!  

You’re the best. 你是最好的。  

You’re looking sharp! 你看上去真精神 / 真棒 / 真漂亮!

You’re tops! 你是最棒的!  

Nice going!干得好

Top girl/boy! 棒女孩/男孩!  

What a champ! 胜利了!  

Great!/Good!/OK! 好!  

Very nice! 非常好!  

Wonderful! 太棒了!  

You are the winner! 你是胜利者!  

You’re really talented. 你很有天赋

You are the first! 你是第一名!  

Good girl/boy. 好女孩/男孩。  

You are so sweet. 你真可爱

Well done 干得好

I’m so proud of you我真为你骄傲!

Great job!太棒了!

You look like a million dollars.你看上去帅呆了 


What happened?发生什么事了?

What’s the matter?怎么了?

Why are you crying?为什么哭?

What are you doing?你在干嘛呢?

Don’t worry不要担心。

Everything is fine一切都会好的。

There’s nothing to be scared of没什么可怕的。

Are you feeling better now你现在感觉好些吗? 


Stop doing that停下

Be quiet 安静

Be careful 小心

Slow down 慢点

Don’t move 不许动

Shut up 闭嘴

Try again 再试试

Go away走开

This way 这边请

After you 你先

Follow me 跟我来

Come here 过来

Good girls/boys don’t do/say things like that好孩子不那样做(说)

Don’t argue me about this不要再和我争论了

Don’t raise your voice at me!不要跟我大声说话

That’s a rude way to speak那样说话不礼貌

Don’t pick up your nose 不要抠鼻子

Let go 放手

No way不行

Come on 来吧

Hold on 等一等

Cheer up 振作起来

Bless you 祝福你

Good luck 祝好运

Have fun 玩的开心 


Feel better 好点了吗

Is it yours?是你的吗?

Take it easy 放轻松

Anything else 还要别的吗?

I’m sorry 对不起

Of course 当然

Sure 当然

Never mind 不要紧

I promise 我保证

Take care 保重

Let me see 我看看

I think so 我也这么看

That’s all就这样

Time is up 时间到了

No problem 没问题







记得有一天我送米豆去幼儿园,到了楼下,米豆突然说,a sunny day,是的,那天天气不错,我的心情也很不错!

