目录: 动漫


​​那个慌张的6月,我毅然决然离开,那一刻下定决心要抛弃曾经所奋斗的那些,到现在我都不知道那是对是错,以后的岁月里,好像渐渐才透析了我的性格,我是倔强的,是独立的,drunk in these sweet days and began my crazy life. Yeah i enjoy it all the time and never regret. 🎆绽放的元旦,午夜的钟声with three words into my heart,really moved,no doubt, 大雁塔的喷泉旁边,我掷出了命运的一投,是的,结局让我惊讶又满意,可又在想未来似乎很坎坷,姗姗来迟,命中注定,whatever,i just want to record everything about us. 漫无目的,莲湖路却成了我唯一对旅行前夕有记忆的片段,去巴黎的前夜,酒店昏暗的灯光下,手账成了我唯一的寄托,from day 1 hope no ending,居然开始幻想honeymoon trip,瑞士的雪山,i want to make an exploration just follow u,意大利的冰激凌🍨 wanna to share, 没有国度,没有时差,just want to cherish, 可是天马行空惯了,无拘无束惯了,所以才会在被对自己特别在乎的人压的透不过气来,你说誓言,我想也被日常琐碎磨得差不多了吧,我们总归是平凡的,至少在这个时代的洪流里,也随着滚滚车轮在推着我们前进,我对老天是感激的,也是怨恨的,才子佳人,吟诗作对也好,激情四射,电光火石也罢,冷静过后,我是该审视自己,one week consideration,u just like a child who lost in your way,mi 2,repeat my nick but didn’t give your answer,sorry for u and sorry for mi,长大后,渐渐明白珍惜当下才是对自己最好的负责,u just be getting better and better,i know, work hard to make me as a princess, don’t wanna see u crying in a 185 height,also don’t want to see me crying in a pain, so calm down each other and make a better consideration.​​​​



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